3-D Laser Scanning
3-D laser scans are used to quickly capture millions of data points known as point clouds that provide precise three-dimensional measurements of an area and its features. This technology allows us to provide our clients with more detailed measurements, potentially giving better accuracy and quality control on new builds.
Laser scanning can be applied to construction projects and can provide high resolution measurements on heritage buildings, as this level of detail can be necessary to analyze existing structures for design purposes and renovation projects.
The use of 3-D laser scans can reduce costs compared to traditional total station measurements due to its data collection speed. With this ever-evolving technology we are excited to continue to discover new ways where laser scanning can benefit our clients and help us continue to provide exceptional service and solutions.
Our Projects
25 Liberty Street
Finch West Light Rail Transit
For this project we used the Amberg rail trolley and precise total station technology to deliver rail geometry reports for rail tamping and rail adjustments.
Pioneer Village Station
In Need of 3-D Scanning Services?
Do you have a project that requires 3-D laser scanning? Request a quote today and a member of our team will be in touch.