
Topographic Surveys

Topographic surveys illustrate the terrain and physical and geographical properties of a site. The result is a contour map showing measured elevations and contour lines that indicate the changes in slope. Topographic surveys are an invaluable component in the design and planning stages of any real estate development.

Our team works closely with our clients to identify and understand the specific requirements and will tailor the final product to meet their needs.

Our Projects

25 Liberty Street

Rouse Surveyors have completed a Surveyor’s Real Property Report, topographic survey, 3-D laser scans and reference plans for this project.

Finch West Light Rail Transit

For this project we used the Amberg rail trolley and precise total station technology to deliver rail geometry reports for rail tamping and rail adjustments.

Pioneer Village Station

Between 2013 and 2018 Rouse Surveyors performed all construction services.

In Need of a Topographic Survey?

Do you have a project that requires a topographic survey? Request a quote today and a member of our team will be in touch.